Health & Safety


No vaccination is required but you should stay up to date of your classic vaccinations (diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, polio, and hepatitis).

For rabies and Japanese encephalitis, vaccines are recommended for rural stays of more than one month, or if expatriation.

About malaria, please rest assured that there is NO malaria in big cities. Check your itinerary in detail and consult your doctor for more advice.

Also, remember to check your teeth before your departure and take with you a small first aid kit with aspirin, common cold and flu tablets, antihistamines for allergies and itches, medications for diarrhea, insect repellant, sunscreen, lip balm, and some bandages. If you are having a regular prescription, bring enough for the entire trip.

Traveling to a foreign country, changing eating habits or eating "local" can cause intestinal problems, especially for those sensitive.

Food & Hygiene

Traveling to a foreign country, changing eating habits or eating "local" can cause intestinal problems, especially for those sensitive. That's why we make your health and safety our top priority to make your trip the most delightful and trouble-free.

Remember that tap water is not potable, even in big cities and hotels in Laos. Drink only bottled water or purified water. Avoid ice in a rural area as the source of water may be of poor quality.

We choose restaurants carefully for you to enjoy healthy, balanced and tasty food and above all prepared with strict rules of hygiene.

For those following a special diet (vegetarian, diabetic...) or having food allergies (seafood, etc.), we will inform the restaurants to prepare suitable meals for you as long as you notify us in advance.

For "street food", avoid raw vegetables, fresh herbs, and other raw dishes or pay attention to pick up only places with a good recommendation.


Keep all your valuables (passport, tickets, credit cards, cheques, watches, jewelry and cameras) in a safe provided in your room. You can also deposit them at the reception (if it is reliable enough and others do so) and take out with you only copies of necessary documents.

On the road

  • Do not wear too much jewel or have a handbag on shoulder as you may be vulnerable to pass-by theft.
  • On crossing roads in crowded towns, be confident to set your foot down when the road open little valuable space right in front of you and walk slowly but not hesitantly to the other side without stopping or turning your direction. Others will know how to avoid you since they are more skilled than you for sure. It works best if you are lucky to have a local to share the same wish, just parallel them. They will be more than happy to be a volunteer guide for you.
  • Insist a helmet on taking a “xe om” (motorcycle taxis) or get one if you plan to rent a motorcycle and ride it yourself. 
  • Make sure the bus or taxis you catch equipped with a seatbelt though it is not compulsory in Laos
  • Limit your traveling at night, especially by taxis, on journeys passing remote areas.
  • Always bring with you a hotel card, copies of passport, visa or any identity documents as well as a list of emergency contact numbers. 


  • While you keep moving from place to place, remove all valuables from your luggage left on cargo areas of buses, trains or boats. Take them close to you and be vigilant all the time. Opportunistic thefts, especially pickpocket, are common in crowded places like train station, shopping malls, markets or supermarkets, you can name it too. 
  • It is also strongly recommended that you won’t accept any food or drink offered by a complete stranger. You may be a victim of tourist scams.
  • Do not count your money in ATM posts or bring too much cash with you
  • Take great care and follow all instructions when exploring former battlefields due to hazard of unexploded landmines.
  • Do not take photographs of military sites and demonstrations.

Overall, while it is important to assure that only few people tempting to trouble you, precautions are at no time unnecessary. Just rely on your judgment, exercise common sense and of course, do not make your reaction to others colored by your safety obsession.