Luang Prabang is the ancient capital of Laos and royal residence of the kings. An eventful and sometimes turbulent history has shaped the richness of Luang Prabang that can be found in temples and monuments hidden in its lush settings. It's the rich heritage that earned Luang Prabang reputation of a World Heritage Site recognized by UNESCO.

Luang Prabang has many historical and natural sites such as the powerful waterfalls Tad Kuang Si and Xé or the impressive caves of Pak Ou. Many activities are available to tourists: temple discovery, elephant ride, jungle treks or visiting the traditional craft villages. The old town is also popular as a destination for shopping with its colorful night market and upscale boutiques offering a wide range of Laos’s crafts.

For Laos’s people, a town is mostly a spiritual place: the ghosts of its glorious past still haunt the National Museum; hundreds of young monks haven't received the teachings of Buddha in glittering temples. A large number of well-preserved colonial houses are also a fascinating side of the city…

Contrast to its enormous significance and appeal, Luang Prabang is a small town and you can wrap all must see sites in just one day.

The Luang Prabang city tour will introduce you to well-known temples recognized by UNESCO: the oldest temple Wat Visoun, the Monastery of the opened heart Wat Aham, the magnificent Wat Xieng Thong and so on. You also climb 328 steps of Mount Phousi to admire the panoramic view of the valley and leisurely stroll around the aisles of local ethnic markets.

National Museum

The Laos National Museum is housed in the former Royal Palace, which was built in 1904 for the king Sisavangvong and his family under the French rule. The building architecture features a blend of Balinese and French inspirations.

Wat Visoun

Wat Visoun is the oldest temple in Luang Prabang originally built in 1515. The temple is always busy with monastic activity.

Wat Aham

Wat Aham or "Monastery of the Blossomed Heart” exudes gentle charm and serenity. Wat Aham is no longer the city religious center, yet it remains extremely important to the heritage of Luang Prabang as it combines the worship of guardian spirits and Buddhist practices.

Wat Xieng Thong

Wat Xieng Thong or temple of the Golden City is one of the most important temples in Laos, featuring golden facades, elegant Japanese style tiled roofs and impressive mural paintings. You will visit the masterpiece Tree of Life mosaic and gold images of former kings.

Wat Mai

Wat Mai or New Monastery is among the largest and most picturesque wats in Luang Prabang. Located along the night street market Sisavangvong and next to the National Palace Museum, Wat Mai earns a great reputation for its religious significance and exquisite beauty.

Wat Sensoukarahm

Wat Sensoukarahm  is a Thai-style temple built in 1718. It boasts one of the most dazzling facades of all temples in Luang Prabang: rich ruby red with gold overlay.

Thak Bat

The morning rite of Thak Bhat is a procession of saffron-robed monks to collect alms. They get up at 5:30 and walk silently across the city every morning and locals respectably put humble offerings in their bowls, usually flower, rice and cakes

Mount Phousi

Climbing 328 steps of Mount Phousi, the holy mountain of Luang Prabang, you will be rewarded a fantastic 360-degree panorama of Luang Prabang, the surrounding mountains and the Mekong River. The best time to visit is late afternoon should you wish to savor the sunset.

Ethnic market

The ethnic market of Luang Prabang takes place every day from 6 o'clock in the evening until about 11 hours. This is an ideal place to stock up with ethnic handicraft souvenirs: brocades, basketry, jewelry, bags, sarongs and so on.

Pak Ou caves

Pak Ou caves  are located merely 25 km from Luang Prabang. This is a pilgrimage site for Lao. Around 4,000 Buddha statues are sheltered in these caves, most are made of gold.

H'mong and Khmu villages

The northern region of Laos is dotted with small picturesque villages, homes to H'mong and Khmu ethnic people. These inhabitants still wear traditional costume woven by hand. Splendid!

Kuang Si waterfall

Kuang Si waterfall is truly the biggest and most spectacular of Luang Prabang. It is possible to admire its grandeur year round.

Ban Muang Keo Village

Ban Muang Keo Village is situated along the Mekong River, close to the Pak Ou caves. The village economy relies on fabric weaving looms. It is also famous for its rice whiskey called the "Lao Lao".

Ban Xang Khong Village

 Ban Xang Khong Village is specialized in the manufacture and sale of silk products and Saa paper (paper made from bark of the mulberry tree).

Talad Phosy market

Talad Phosy market is held every morning for trade of fresh fruit grown in the neighboring villages. A colorful show!

Tad Xé Waterfall

Tad Xé Waterfall only reveals its best during rainy season: very impressive and remarkably powerful. Monks love to go swimming here; its water is pure and refreshing.

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