Siem Reap is the capital of Siem Reap province, which is over 300km to the north of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This city attracts a lot of tourists thanks to the Angkor Temples located about 7km from the city center. The city spreads about 3km from the north to the south, along the Siem Reap River and 4-5km from the east to the west, along with the National Road No.6

Siem Reap means "Siam Defeated" and refers to the 16th-century victory that solidified the Khmer kingdom.


The famous archaeological site of Angkor is located 7 km from Siem Reap downtown. This monumental complex comprises more than a hundred temples, palaces, and pagodas built between the ninth and fourteenth century during the reign of King Suryavarman II. These Angkor temples are evidence of a glorious time when the Khmer Empire reached its peak. This group of monuments constitutes the largest archaeological site in the world. Spreading over several thousand hectares, these elaborate temples created a strong link between religion and royalty, each with its own significance and splendor. This has been the greatest source of national pride for Cambodian people and endless inspiration for millions of travelers worldwide, making it one of the most attractive destinations in the world.

Angkor National Museum

Angkor National Museum, one of the most important museums; interesting in the world. The museum is the socond most attraction in Siem Reap famous after Angkor temples. The museum has one of the most unique 3D exhibition in the world

The Angkor Wat

The Angkor Wat is the largest and most well preserved temple complex of Angkor, built in early 12th century as the state temple and capital city of King Suryavarman II reign. This gorgeous UNESCO world heritage site is considered the national symbol of Cambodia.

Angkor Thom

Angkor Thom is the last capital city of the Khmer Kingdom, established by King Jayavarman VII. In the middle of each of the four walls of the royal city is a monumental gateway, decorated with huge faces of one of the four Great Kings of the Hindu pantheon and the image of Indra riding his three-headed elephant.

The Victory Gate

The Victory Gate is one of the five doors to get into Angkor Thom. It can be found right at the end of the Royal Road that extends from the compound of the Royal Palace of Angkor Thom, where the Terrace of the Elephants located. Like other gates of Angkor Thom, the Victory Gate is topped by giant stone faces in the four cardinal directions.

Bayon temple

Bayon temple was built in the late 12th century as the state center of Angkor Thom, the capital of the Jayavarman VII kingdom. Featuring multitude of massive stone faces on the many towers jutting out from the upper terrace, the Bayon is considered "the most striking expression of the baroque style" of Khmer architecture, as contrasted with the classical style of Angkor Wat.


Baphuon temple is a three-tiered temple built in mid 11th century and dedicated to God Shiva.  Undergone painstaking restoration, the temple is now opened for the public to admire its Baphuon architectural style.

Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm was built in the Bayon style popular in late 12th. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Ta Prohm has been left quite the same as when it was found: the photogenic and atmospheric combination of trees growing out of the ruins and the jungle surroundings have made it one of Angkor's most photographed temple.

Terrace of Elephants

The Terrace of Elephants is the remaining part of the walled city of Angkor Thom, a ruined temple complex in Cambodia. The site was used by the King as a platform to view his victorious returning army. It was attached to the palace of Phimeanakas.


Phineanakas (or in other words - the "Celestial Temple"): the temple of Angkor Royal Palace is a beautiful building with gray stairs, white lions and elephants in dark.... together with brown ground and surrounding green trees, creating a fascinating scenery

Preah Khan

Preah Khan was built on the site of Jayavarman VII's victory over the invading Chams in 1191, to the northeast of Angkor Thom. The temple is flat in design, with a basic plan of successive rectangular galleries around a Buddhist sanctuary complicated by Hindu satellite temples.

Preah Neak Pean

Preah Neak Pean is an artificial island with a Buddhist temple on a circular island in Preah Khan Baray built during the reign of King Jayavarman VII

Ta Som Temple

Ta Som Temple was built at the end of the 12th century during the reign of King Jayavarman VII. This temple is partly invaded by the jungle, adding to its extraordinary beauty.

East Mebon Temple

East Mebon Temple is built by King Rajendravarman II with five towers, in which the center houses a linga and other representations of deified ancestors of the king

Pre Rup Temple

Pre Rup Temple is a Hindu-inspired temple worshiping God Shiva. A great landmark with mystical sculptural art and large statues of beautiful lions.

Apsara dinner

The discovery of Cambodia would not be complete without attending at least one traditional Khmer dance performance, often called "Apsara Dance" which features the most popular pieces of classical dance.

As a plenty of apsaras (celestial dancers) that adorn the pre-walls of Angkor temples and Angkor, Apsara dance is an important part of the Khmer culture for more than a millennium.


Siem Reap is the capital of a province bearing the same name in northwest Cambodia. Located 300 km north of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap becomes a gateway to the Angkor region. Siem Reap is alluring huge crowd for its Angkor Temples (Buddhist Pagodas or Wats) around 7 km away from downtown. Siem Reap means the “Defeat of Siam” and refers to the centuries-old conflict between the Siam (now Thailand) and Khmer people.

The town is a cluster of small villages along the Siem Reap River. These villages were originally developed around Buddhist pagodas (Wat) which are almost evenly spaced along the river from Wat Preah En Kau Sei in the north to Wat Phnom Krom in the south, where the Siem Reap River meets the great Tonle Sap Lake. The main town is concentrated around Sivutha Street and the Psar Chas area (Old Market area) where there are old colonial buildings, shopping, and commercial districts.

In Siem Reap, you can not miss visiting the temples, the old market, narrow streets. Bearing French colonial and Chinese architectural influence, especially in the French Quarter and around the Old Market, Siem Riep is filled with delights for visitors. Authentic atmosphere, local street food, Apsara dance, craft shops in the city and silk farms, rice fields, fishing villages and the famous Tonle Sap Lake in surrounding areas, Siem Reap will charm you.

Scupture workshop

Admiring these wood or stone sculptures is a beautiful moment for anyone interested in the technique or the beauty of this traditional art form in Cambodia.

Banteay Srei

Banteay Srei is a temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva built largely of red sandstone, a medium that lends itself to the elaborate decorative wall carvings and makes it a jewel of Angkor 

Skun market

Passing Naga Bridge, you will find the Skun market, where you can see many vendors of spiders, alive or roasted! It's really an interesting experience if we dare to taste

Srah Srang

Srah Srang is a large lake surrounded by greenery. It also includes a majestic platform built of laterite with sandstone molding. This landing stage offers at the last rays of the day one of the most beautiful points to view the Park of Angkor.

Rolous Group

Rolous Group consist three temples built in late 9th century, reflecting the early beginning of Khmer architecture and sculpture.

Tonle Sap Floating village

Local life revolves around the water in Tonle Sap, the Indochinese largest lake, actually a system of lake and river. This is not only a haven for fishermen but also a major trade route for the merchants to transport their goods. The area is home to many ethnic people who live in Tonle Sap floating village

Tonle Sap boat trip

The Tonle Sap is the largest body of water in Indochina. For those who prefer to integrate into local life, a boat trip to visit the Tonle Sap floating villages is definitely an enjoyable experience!

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