Mondulkiri is an eastern province of Cambodia which is sparsely populated and little visited as well. The province is beautiful with forested mountains, powerful waterfalls and the lush green rolling hills of the western side. Phnong and Kraol Stieng people are the two main ethnics inhabiting the area, in which Phnong people is the larger group. Mondulkiri is also called the "Switzerland of Cambodia" because of its vast and evergreen forests.

Forests in Mondulkiri are home to a large number of mammals. This diverse ecosystem, however, is fragile and endangered because illegal hunting is still out of control. From Phnom Penh, it takes about 4 to 6 hours to drive to the capital of Mondulkiri - Sen Monorom. Thanks to many advantages in term of scenery, natural resources..., ecotourism is currently emerging in the area.

Phnong village

On your trip to Mondulkiri, a visit to the villages of Phnong people should not be dropped out of your itinerary. Houses in the villages are Phnong long-house where several families with many children live together.

Sen Monorom

Sen Monorom is the capital of Mondulkiri province. In the main street of the village, tourists can find the only market in the region in the early morning. Many people get there in an oxcart or by bicycle. You can also see the Phnong youngsters coming to sell their products which are carried on their basket.

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